Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A few troubles

Today, Anziano Scherbel tried to rotate one of our tires on the car, which was wearing quite badly.  We are waiting for a new car, and hoping this one will limp along a bit longer.  It's got too many miles on it and we were notified that we will be trading it in for a new car in a month or so.  After two trips to the store to get a wrench that would get the hub caps off,  Anziano Scherbel was almost home when a lady backed into him in the  roundabout near our apartment building.  She was stopped in the round a bout when he entered it from the other side, and as he came up closer and stopped to wait for her, she started backing up slowly and then accelerated and ran right into our already old car.  She was in her 50's or so and come to find out, she had just been fired from her job.  How sad is that?  She didn't want to report it so her insurance would go up, so they had us take our car to a shop where they will pay for it to get fixed.  So we are now without a car, and that makes us appreciate what car we did have.  We hope it can get fixed and won't cost this lady too much.

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