Sunday, August 4, 2013

Incredible Sacrament Meeting

The two young men in the middle of the above photo were baptized two weeks ago.  Last Sunday they received the priesthood, and today they were able to use their priesthood for the first time.  The  young man on the far right is a returned missionary and is Paul's councilor in the the Branch Presidency.  Luciano is the second from the right and he is very crippled.  He walks with so much difficulty.  His legs are bent in at odd angles and he can not walk on the soles of his feet because of a birth defect, but instead he walks on the top side of his little toe on one foot and on the other foot he walks on the side of his heel.  So today, he passed the sacrament for the first time.  One of our wonderful elders walked right next to him and had his arm around him the whole time, to help steady him, and together they went very slowly from row to row, passing the sacrament.  It was a very sweet experience for our whole branch.  After the bread was all passed, Luciano thought he was all through and he needed  to sit down, but then was told he needed to pass the water too.  You could tell he was really tired.  But he did his very best.  The whole audience was as quiet as could be and we all felt so much love for him and also for the gift of the sacrament .  The young man next to Paul was also baptized two weeks ago and just received the priesthood.  He got to bless the water and as he did so, tears were flowing down his face.  He was so thankful to have the priesthood.  Since it was fast Sunday we had testimonies given and everyone mentioned how special it was to receive the sacrament today. One sister mentioned how wonderful the resurrection will be for Luciano when he can walk without difficulty.  
When you look at our little branch, we really have so many unique situations.  Out of 6 men, two are very crippled, and one has MS and has some limitations as well.  The gospel blesses all of our lives, whether we are strong or weak.  I think of the scripture when Christ says in Matthew 9:12  "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick."  This applies literally to these members as well as to the rest of us that need our sins healed through the atonement.
I wish you could have seen the look of pure joy on Luciano's face as he passed the sacrament.  It was one of the best sacrament meetings I have ever had the privilege to be at.   

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