This is the outside yard that was used in olden days by the town to sell vegetables and food to the inhabitants of the monastery. Paul is going up the steps to the monastery. It is called La Certosa di Santi Lorenzo. It is one of the largest Convents in Europe.
Below is a picture of a huge inner courtyard that is called the Great Cloister. The monks would walk and meditate in this area. At the entrance portal there is a sign which reads:
" Here peace is guaranteed, here is the entrance to Heaven. Remain here in tranquility, true peace awaits. We are in the zone of strict enclosure, the place of meeting with God."
There are 24 rooms surrounding the big open space ( which is so big that if it were 10 meters longer it could fit the colleseum in it.). Each the the rooms surrounding this open yard would house four monks. The town of Padula is up on the mountain right above the monastery as you can see in the picture below.
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