We got a call this morning from Gino, saying that our lawn mower was fixed and that we could pick it up. There was an 80% chance of rain today but it was sunny this morning. We got it and brought it back to the church. We found some gas in one of the utility rooms, outside the church. It started up and I got to do what I love doing. I got to mow the grass. It's not my wonderful ride on mower, but I got to be outside under a blue sky, and I got some exercise as I mowed the grass at the church. We have quite a nice bit of grass. The members love to play soccer outside and after it was mowed, it looked a bit nicer. The rain clouds came as soon as I finished and now it's raining and watering our nice lawn. I couldn't be happier.
I received a great letter from Jonathan today. He shared some advise for his missionary parents, (which I just loved!). He suggested we read Alma 17:10-12. When I opened up my scriptures, I realized that these were the exact verses that we went over in district meeting yesterday. I am sure that I need to read them and really internalize these verses. Out of all the scriptures that we have, I think it is a tender mercy from god where he is telling me what he wants me to do through these exact verses. Thanks Jon for being inspired and sharing.
We see tiny miracles each day. It is wonderful to be a missionary! I love it!!
I am so enjoying your blog, Geri! Thanks for keeping us all updated and sharing the large and small miracles you encounter. You guys are doing a great job! Much love from the Northern Michigan Scherbels :)