Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yummy enchiladas

It was a good Sunday. I had a funny thng happen in Relief Society today.  At the beginning, when the president was giving the announcements, I thought she asked me if i could bring a jello salad to a branch party they were having the day after Easter.  I nodded my head and said, "si,si.". She looked very happy and nodded her head and said, "si,si". Then  she went on with some more annuncements.  I leaned over to ask a younger sister, who speaks a little english, what I had agreed to.  She said that Maria asked me if I could crochett something for someone!  Oops, I cant crochett worth beans. i asked Rita to tell her that.  I learnd not to say "si, si" if i really dont know what they are talking about!

We had a good Relief Society lesson on Emma Smith and D&C 25. I love verse 1 where The Lord calls Emma by name and says, "Hearken to the voice of The Lord, while I speak unto you, Emma Smith, my daughter;". The Lord know me too and if I liken the scriptures to myself, he could be saying , " hearken to the voice of the Lord, while I speak into you,  Geri Scherbel, my daughter;" It is wonderful to know that I am his daughter and he knows my name too.  I found several verses in that section that could apply to me in my relationship with Paul who is serving as branch president here in Battipalgia.  Verse 8 says he shall lay his hands upon thee and thou shalt receive the Holy Ghost, and thy time shall be given to writing and to learning much.  It was interesting that Paul did lay his hands upon me today to set me apart in my new calling which is the building coordinator.  ( I will organize the cleaning of the church each week, just like Bart and Rhonda Johnson do in Star Valley.  Up until now, the missionaries and the branch presidents family are mainly the ones who clean the church each week.  Paul wants all the branch members to take ownership and responsibility for their church.  So I hope that I can help call and remind people to come help.  Plus  I can mow the lawn each week and that will make me very happy.  We have a really nice grass area that is about 1/2 the size of a football field.)

The rest of verse 8 in section 25 applies to me as well. I feel that my time will be spent in Writing and in learning much.  I am amazed at how often The Lord gives us what we need to know or do, through the scriptures.  This lesson was tailor made for me
Our high councilor Broer Collins, and his family came to our ward today.  He spoke and gave a good talk on keeping journals.  This  blog will be my journal for the next two years.
After church, I got set apart, and then the Collins family, who are Americans, came over for lunch.  Their father, teaches Spanish at the military base  in Casserta.   I made two new enchilada recipes and they both turned out really good.  I made Sarah's refried beans in the crock pot.  I will forward the honey, lime chicken enchilada recipe to anyone who wants it.  Everyone had seconds or thirds.

This week we have a full calendar already set up with appointments or visits all week long.  One girl from our branch offered to help me learn Italian.  I am excited about any help I can get.
It is already late at night, so I will hurry off to bed.  I am thankful for the chance to be a missionary even though I get frustrated about not being able to say too much yet.  I will be able to soon!
Thank you to all of you for your support and prayers.  We need every bit of help we can get.

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