Ammon says it well in verse 16 of Alma 26. "Therefore let us glory, yea we will glory in The Lord, yea we will rejoice for our joy is full, ...yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long suffering towards the children of men? Behold I cannot say the smallest part of what I feel."
As a district and a branch we fasted Monday through Tuesday noon, for a family that we have been teaching. They have had so many problems and they all came to a head when they were told this past weekend that they had to move and that the social department of their town wanted to take away their kids. They were to appear before the judge in court on Tuesday morning.
Paul arranged for them to have a lawyer represent them and we fasted and prayed that The Lord would help them. We got a call just before we broke our fast that the judge ruled that they could stay in their home until October, and that they could keep their kids. He assigned them new social workers who weren't prejudiced against them, and it was the very best outcome we could have dreamed of for them. They want to be baptized. They have four kids and their kids would double the size of our primary. We felt overwhelmed at the goodness of God answering our heart felt prayers. We too can not say the smallest part of what we feel.
We went to Rome yesterday to have a lunch with all the other senior couples at the Villa, which is the name of the mission home. Presidents and Sister Kelly are leaving in two weeks and they invited us all to lunch for one last time. We had a yummy meal and the best part was then testimony meeting afterward. I wish we could be around these wonderful couples more than a few times a year. I would like to get to know each one closely. But we soaked up the spirit as much as we could and we brought it back with us to Battipaglia to share with the members and investigators here.
On the return trip we stopped in Pozzuoli which is near Naples, to take some supplies to the Sisters and the elders there. Pozzuoli is right next to Naples where people drive crazy and the roads are cobblestone with huge pot holes. You are sure to loose at least one or two hubcaps each time you drive. I have been rather calm and non jumpy as we drive most places in Italy now, but in Naples all my fears return with vengeance and I have to close my eyes and pray that we will arrive in one piece and alive. We made it safely back home by midnight. It was a long but a good day. I was thankful that we got the air conditioning fixed in our car, as the weather has turned hot and very humid.
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