Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shout it from the Mountain Tops

There are several really cool things that happened on the hike up the mountain, Saturday.  One of our new converts is a young man about 30 years old.  He has MS and it is difficult to walk.  He had a big day the day before with getting baptized.  He received his own triple combination and was so excited to have it that he read all night until four in the morning, after he returned home about 9 Friday night.  W all met at the church at 8:30 in the morning.  He really wanted to go on the hike, but we thought it would be too difficult for him.  But he went anyway and he made it to the top!  It was simply amazing.  When he got up there he raised his arms high to the heavens and said, "Hallelujah, hallelujah,, I am thankful for my baptism!"  He did exactly what it says in 2 Nephi 31:13
     ...take upon you the name of Christ , by baptism--yea by following your Lord and your Savior          down into the water according to his word.....and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel.

When Brother Sapio reached the very top, he said he had always wanted to do something that his institute teacher once did.  He shouted his testimony from the mountain top.  The spirit fills you as you shout out to the heavens and earth, for everyone to hear, your testimony.  I thought that was the neatest idea.  If I had gone, I would have done it too.  I missed out!  But I am so glad that the sisters told me about it.  Sister Rossell even caught the last part on video.  D&C 128:23 says:
         Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud, and all ye seas and dry lands tell
         the wonders of your Eternal King!..... And let all the sons of God shout for joy!

I love how passionate the saints are here in Italy about The Lord and about their life.


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