Saturday, November 23, 2013

Last day with Shelly and Ryan

We have been blessed all week to not have had rain like was forcast all week.  But it rained and thundered all night Thursday and Friday morning.  I had arranged with a friend down in Paestum to get a tour of the Casafecio where they make fresh Mozzarella di Buffala.  It was scheduled for 9 am Friday morning.  After all the cheese we ate yesterday, no one really wanted to think about Mozzarella di Buffala! but my friend had been so great to arrange this tour! and it was raining! and we wanted to see the Ancient Greek temples nearby.  So we went and had a wonderful morning!  Everyone really enjoyed seeing them make the cheese.  We got free samples, which I loved! 

We drove over to the temples and we were able to get good pictures and see everything we wanted.  

This temple was built by the Greeks in 700 BC.  Quite amazing how well it is preserved. The square areas just below the upper triangle part, under the shelf, were each filled with stone pictures of mythological stories.  These were removed when they excavated this temple, and were on display in the museum. Below, are a few pictures of these sculpted pictures.

There is a very famous lid to a tomb that has a diver picture on it.  That is in the museum too, along with other artifacts.

We found a gellateria open and we all had an ice cream cone.  It was the first of four ice cream cones for some of our group.  I think our American visitors have a rule which is, "never pass up a gallateria"!

After Paestum, we had lunch at Franco's.   

Then I went home and took a nap and the younger four went off to Pompeii to see all they could see on their last day in Italy.  They regally liked Pompei and the nice thing was that it didn't rain too hard and they were able to have a great time.

We went over to an investigator's home for dinner as soon as they got back.  We had a wonderful time.  I can't remember laughing so hard ever.  We had pizza and ice cream for desert.  It was a fantastic end to a great visit with Shelly and Ryan and their friends.

Here we are just before heading to bed.  Shelly is checking on their flight information.  We loved having them come visit us.  I can't believe that we are heading back to utah on Monday morning, for Jon's wedding.  Picture me very happy!!!

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