Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My companion is amazing

Yesterday, Paul started to tear apart the drain pipes under our kitchen sink to see why we get this awful aroma throughout the house from the kitchen drain.  Sure enough, one of the pipes had a hole in it that didn't  cause a leak of water but did allow the bad smell to come in.  So he took apart everything and while he was on the way to find a plumbing store, he met up with ur landlord who lives a few floors down from us, and he had a replacement part.  So the two of them were both under the kitchen sink at the same time, fixing the problem.

They thought they got it all fixed, but alas, now it leaked water instead of bad smells.  So Paul took it apart again this morning.  We tried to find the plumbing parts store while we went out on our morning walk.  We were guided to one that was no longer in business and we were directed to another one, but they didn't have the part we needed. After we walked back to our apartment he took the car and found a store that did have replacement parts for our drain.  He worked on it for an hour or more and finally got it fixed.  What a chore.  But he was amazing and got the job all done. I know how frustrating my dad thought it was to fix leaking pipes when I was growing up.  But Paul just kept at it till it worked and stopped leaking.  It sure is nice to not have the bad smell nor the leaky water pipe.

We made contact with this lady named Nadia, from Russia, a few weeks ago, on our morning walk.  We got her phone number and called to invite her over, but at the last minute she cancelled on us
 but did make an appointment for this afternoon.  She was a very special lady and we so hoped that she would want to come over to our apartment.  We walked up to the corner, where there is a Catholic Church that she knew of.  She wasn't there.  We waited and waited.  Paul finally tried calling her.  She was walking from the train station and was just late, but she was coming.  She made it shortly after that and we all walked back to our house together.  Paul had asked her to bring some pictures of her family, which she did.  She showed them to us and then she started asking us questions about what church we were missionaries for. We had a good talk and we talked about coming to her house next week to meet her boyfriend and to hear her play the accordion, which she loves to play.

We had an appointment at 5:30 to check out an apartment for the missionaries.  We are getting a set of sister missionaries by May 1st and the elders need another apartment and the sisters are going to move into their apartment that they currently live in which is across the hall from us. The landlady was thrilled that the elders might live in her apartment that we saw.  Her  brother lives next door to our church building here in Battipalgia and he thinks the Mormons are the nicest people.

We stopped by our favorite pizza place tonight for dinner.  It's cheap and absolutely the best pizza I have ever eaten.

I made Sue's Meltaway cookies yesterday, which will be  for the lunch before the baptism this Saturday.  We are having several of Flavia's family and friends here for lunch.  It will be like having Sunday family dinner.  I think there will be 16 or so.  This apartment is small but I think we can all squeeze in.  I made brownies today for it, and the rest we will make Friday.

It was sunny all day today and the day was one of the best yet on our mission.  We are excited for the baptism Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. “How many guys does it take to fix a leaking sink?” is the question that popped into my head after seeing that picture. Jokes aside, save for the first two stores and the fact that you had to fix one problem right after the other, it sounds like Paul did a great job. I would have given up after finding the leak and just called a plumber, so my hat's off to him for keeping at it. Thanks for sharing, Geri!

