Saturday, May 31, 2014

D&C 88:7 This is the Light of Christ

  This is the light of Christ.  He is....the light of the sun. D&C 88:7

I took this picture today.  It is symbolic to me for two reasons.  First of all, the weather forcast for today was: "heavy rain all day with thunder storms and high winds".  Instead, the sun came out from the clouds and we  had a perfect day.  
The other reason, that I love this picture is because it reminds me that this past week I was really sick with bronchitis and something else. I even went to an Italian Doctor to find out what I had and if I could get anything for it.  That, was Thursday, and she said it was a serious case of bronchitis and she gave me 2 prescriptions and told me to be careful and take it easy.  I read that it takes up to three weeks to get over it completely if it was Acute Bronchitis.  Chronic bronchitis takes 3-6 months to get over, but I figured I didn't have that since this is the first time in a long time I have even had it.  So I was expecting to be sick for the next couple of weeks at least and I was going to take it easy!  The medicine didn't help all that much (because it is probably viral).  By Friday afternoon, I asked for a priesthood blessing.  Before  receiving it,  I prayed to be healed, that my faith would be strengthened through this trial and subsequent healing.  Elder Line and Elder Sorensen came over to help Paul give me the blessing.  I felt so weak, just to get out of bed and sit in the Living room for a few minutes.  After the blessing, I immediately went back to bed, where I had been since Tuesday.  I took my temperature a few minutes later and it was perfectly normal.  An hour earlier it had been 101*, where it had been all week long.  That was amazing to me.  And then I realized I could breath a lbetter.  I was able to sleep several hours Friday night, and when I woke up this morning (Saturday), I felt entirely normal, except for a slight cough once in a while.  But I had my strength back to normal, I didn't hurt anywhere, and my fever was gone.  I didn't heal slow but sure.  I was immediately healed!  Today, I expected  it to be a rainy day; full of dreariness, gloom,  pain and sickness.  But the sun came out for me in more ways than one.  
I know that I was healed by my Savior.  He who is the light of the world.  What a tender mercy I experienced.  And this has certainly strengthened my faith in Him.  Whenever I see this picture, I hope it reminds me of the gift the Savior has given me:  to heal me, not only of my pains and sickness this week, but he has taken upon himself all my pains, sins, sorrows and sicknesses.  
I am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is absolutely amazing. Glad you are feeling better.
